The Importance of A/B Testing

July 12, 2022

A/B testing for lead generation is a process of testing two or more versions of a web page to see which one performs better. It is a key part of conversion rate optimization, as it allows you to identify which version of your page is more effective at converting visitors into leads or customers. This can be used for testing anything from page layout, elements, colors, language ore more and is essential for any business that wants to optimize its website for conversions.

A/B testing works by systematically showing different versions of the variable to similar segments of website visitors, and then measuring the results in terms of desired business metrics. By doing this, businesses can determine which version of the variable is most effective in achieving their goals. While A/B testing can be time-consuming, it is an essential process for any business that wants to ensure its website is as effective as possible.

Recently, a client came to us that had been driving SEM traffic to their unbounce landing pages. As we have seen in many cases, they unfortunately had a single landing page. Since they were happy with this single landing page they were not trying to optimize through A/B testing, meaning they were not taking advantage of this powerful tool.

One of the rules that we live by here at BabylonSolutions is Always Be Testing.

Just because your marketing efforts are "working" doesn't mean they can't be better. As any experienced marketer knows, there's always room for improvement, and testing can help you find ways to optimize your campaigns and get the most out of your marketing budget. By constantly testing and tweaking your approach, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are as effective as possible. So don't settle for "good enough" - keep testing and improving, and you'll see even better results from your marketing campaigns.

Visitors come to your website to achieve a specific goal. It may be to understand more about your product or service, buy a particular product, read/learn more about a specific topic, or simply browse. Whatever the visitor’s goal may be, they may face some common issues while achieving their goal. It can be a confusing copy or poor navigation making it hard to find exactly what they are looking for. One of the most important metrics to track to judge your website’s performance is its bounce rate. There may be many reasons behind your website’s high bounce rate, such as too many options to choose from, expectations mismatch, confusing navigation, use of too much technical jargon, and so on. Testing can help you solve all these visitor pain points.

Remember, even a good marketing campaign will stale. Just because a particular campaign or tactic is successful now doesn't mean it will continue to be effective in the future. Over time, people's interests and needs change, and what was once new and exciting can become old and boring.

As most experienced optimizers have come to realize, the cost of acquiring quality traffic on your website is huge. A/B testing lets you make the most out of your existing traffic and helps you increase conversions without having to spend additional dollars on acquiring new traffic. A/B testing can give you high ROI as sometimes, even the minutest of changes on your website can result in a significant increase in overall business conversions.

With A/B testing, you can get quick feedback on what changes are improving your website and which ones aren't. A data-driven approach means there's no room for guessing - everything will be decided based off statistically significant improvements with metrics such as time spent by visitors, call to action buttons clicked, load speed test etc., meaning that one change could potentially win out over others if it offers better performance numbers.

With our marketing knowledge, we were able to help our single landing page client see the benefit of constant testing. Coming from an affiliate marketing background, driving literally millions of impressions per month, we can tell you that even a 1% increase in landing page performance is substantial.
